Baseball Scoreboards

For your Baseball and Softball needs, Electro-Mech covers the bases with a full line of scoreboards capable of displaying just the basic information that casual fans expect or more detailed statistics important to coaches, players, and analysts. Consider Electro-Mech’s line score models. Every scoreboard in this family of products offers the standard Ball, Strike, and Out counts, plus Runs-by-Inning and Total Runs for each team.
In addition, you may choose models that display Total Hits, Total Errors, Pitch Speed (Radar Gun Kit included), Pitch Count, Batter Number, Hit/Error Indicators, or various kinds of Timers. All line score Baseball models include the option to upgrade to Electronic Team Names (ETNs) so you can display the actual names of Guest and Home teams alongside their scores. Whether you’re interested in smaller auxiliary scoreboards to complement a larger display, or a scaled-down scoreboard for a facility on a tighter budget, we have a huge choice of compact Baseball and Softball models with a variety of features. Most of these scoreboards can also be outfitted with Electronic Team Names. All have options for ID panels and other customizations.