Football Scoreboards

Victory on the Football field is no small accomplishment. While the post-game celebration may include travel plans to a certain mouse-themed vacation area, there is another place most Players like to go immediately after the big win: To the scoreboard! The best photo op for members of the winning team is the one that records the final numbers for posterity. With this in mind, Electro-Mech’s advice is this: Don’t buy an ugly Football scoreboard!
While we offer a variety of handsome products to complement Football facilities of all sizes, one of our most popular new product lines is not typically used inside the stadium. The growing trend in recent years has been toward scoring solutions for the practice field. The secret is in Electro-Mech’s control console software, which gives you the flexibility to design multiple custom practice schedules. The results can be displayed on your existing Football scoreboard or on a dedicated practice timer. We have portable models as well as options for permanent installation at fields which are specifically dedicated to practice.